Resources: Disabilities
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Canadian Mental Health Association CMHA

CMHA facilitates access to the resources people require to maintain and improve mental health and community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness.

*To Access Services:

Please see referral forms.  Patient must initiate contact to access services by call-in or walk-in; no appointments required.

Addictions Services

CMHA-CT offers Outpatient Concurrent and Addictions Services for client struggling with Substance Abuse and Problem Gambling. 

Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT)

Behavioural Supports Ontario

  • (see referenced resources)

Case Management & Community Support

  • Referrals welcome. Individuals referred are contacted within a two week period by the intake worker to schedule an intake and to come in to sign consent forms for release of information. Clients who do not have a psychiatric diagnosis or with no history of psychiatric difficulties are encouraged to come in on a crisis intervention basis or brief service. If there is a waiting list, clients are contacted on a weekly to bi-weekly basis for a follow up and encouraged to utilize crisis intervention if in need.

Concurrent Disorders

Consumer Survivor*

Court Diversion

Developmental Disabilities Service

  • (see referenced resources)

Regional Early Intervention in  Psychosis

Housing Services

Justice Support Services

  • (See referenced resources)

Postpartum Mood Disorder **This service is temporarily available at CMHA as they are filling in the gaps in the community for PPMD.  This program was offered through the Health Unit.  This is currently being sorted by both agencies. Please indicate on the referral request for PPMD Services.**

Primary Care

Senior’s Mental Health Program 

  • This program is a consultation service that is offered in the Timiskaming area.  The Seniors' Mental Health team consists of two Geriatric Psychiatrists and nurse clinicians who are committed to meet the needs of the elderly.  Following an in-depth assessment, a consultation report with recommendations as well as a follow-up plan is forwarded to your family physician.  Your care will continue to be coordinated by your family physician in order to maintain a high quality of life in the least restrictive environment.
  • The referrals to the program MUST be made through your family physician or your nurse practitioner.  This is not an emergency service.
  • Client Criteria:
    • Seniors (65yrs or older) with complex mental health needs, or younger than 65 who have a confirmed diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or frontotemporal dementia.
    • Mental Health Problems: complicated by age-related medical illness/functional needs.
    • Must be medically stable; not in medical crisis
    • Must reside in the community: living at home, supportive housing, or in a facility based environment such as long-term or chronic care.

Social Recreation

  • Intrepid Place (Timmins)
  • Rendez-Vous Place ( New Liskeard)
Developmental Disabilities Service (DDS)

Provides community based psychiatric assessment, consultation and treatment for adults with developmental disabilities and mental health needs.

DDS works with patients, families, family doctors, and community based teams in the patient’s community and home. Care is provided with a patient and family centred approach and considers physical, mental health needs and any problems in their home or life.

The core team in North Bay works with community based Mental Health Clinicians located in key districts throughout the region.

Referral Process: 

Referral sources are required to complete a referral package prior to all consultations, including a written request for consultation from the patient’s general practitioner or primary health care provider. Call the DDS Mental Health Clinician at the agency nearest you.

Our criteria for consultations are as follows:

  • Individual is 16 years of age or older and,
  • Is being referred for a diagnostic assessment or review of medication/treatment plans and,
  • Has a recognized developmental disability of a mild to profound severity and exhibits behaviours that may be attributable to a mental illness, or*
  • *May have a diagnosis within the autistic spectrum disorders and is not adequately supported by local generic mental health services.*
  • Individuals will not be assessed without their consent or consent from their substitute decision maker, and
  • If there is a primary physician/psychiatrist, he/she must provide a written referral.


- Outpatient / Community, Psychiatric
North Bay Regional Health Center (NBRHC)

Healthcare organization with three primary roles

  • Acute care services to North Bay and its surrounding communities,
  • District referral centre providing specialist services for smaller communities in the area, 
  • Specialized mental health service provider serving all of northeast Ontario

Acute Inpatient Psychiatry Unit AIPU (For Adults 18+)

The Acute Inpatient Psychiatry Unit (AIPU) unit provides high-intensity, acute psychiatric services 24 hours a day for individuals in acute psychiatric distress and who are 18 years of age and older experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms and/or at risk of harm to self or others.  

Does not accept patients who are: acutely medically ill; acutely intoxicated; or who have a diagnosis of dementia and/or delirium.

Contact by dialing NBRHC main switchboard and asking for the on-call psychiatrist.

The referral must be Physician to Psychiatrist  contact and all patients must be medically cleared prior to acceptance and transfer to NBRHC.  Patients can be admitted to the AIPU through the on-call psychiatrist (705) 474-8600 ext.7200.  The admitting doctor notifies Bed Allocation which informs unit lead of admission.   Consultations are available anytime during the assessment, treatment and management of patients at the Temiskaming Hospital

 **If there isn't a bed available, it is the responsibility of NBRHC to contact other hospitals for bed allocation.


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit:

Both crisis and planned services for children and adolescents under the age of 18 with serious mental health problems. Crisis services are usually acessed through hospital emergency services. Referrals for planned non-crisis assessment and treatment require scheduling a preadmission session which engages the child/adolescent and family as well as referral sources in informed discussion.

Contact --

Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery Program:

The Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery Program provides assessment, treatment and rehabilitation to individuals with a serious mental illness. Prior to accessing our services, individuals will have exhausted all appropriate district level supports and services.

Contact --

Mental Health Clinic:

  • see referenced resources

Nipissing Detoxification and Substance Abuse Programs:

  • see referenced resources

Wordplay Early Intervention:

  • Preschool Speech and Language Services Sudbury Manitoulin
  • Northeast Ontario Infant Hearing Program
  • Northeast Ontario Blind Low Vision Early Intervention Program

Apply by contacting Wordplay in Sudbury.

Developmental Disabilities Service DDS (For Dual Diagnosis):

  • See Referenced Ressources. 

Regional Specialized Mental Health Lodges: 

  • Dual Diagnosis Inpatient Unit (Birch Maple Lodge)
  • In-Patient Senior Mental Health Unit (Evergreen Lodge)
  • Regional Dementia Care Program (Oak Lodge)
  • Specialized Adult Rehabilitation and Transitional Service
  • Intensive Rehabilitation (Northern Lights Lodge)
  • Intervention & Self Care (Osprey Lodge) 

Contact Central Referral For In-Patient Lodges

Assertive Community Treatment Teams ACT :

For persons with serious mental illnesses.  ACTT services are individually tailored with each client and address the preferences and identified goals of each client.

  • suffering from schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or bipolar illness
  • 18 years of age and over
  • who have had multiple hospitalizations and complex needs due to long-term and persistent symptoms.

Contact --

Crisis Services:

The Nipissing and area crisis line is available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week to provide mental health assessments, support and referrals.

Referral process not verified for children's mental health unit (Manager Lyne Kennedy),

Psychiatric rehab (705-474-8600 ext. 2538 for manager) or

Assertive community treatment (Team 1 705-494-3031).

- Geriatric, Outpatient / Community, Psychiatric, Residential Treatement
Northeast Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO)

BSO provides enhanced services for older adults in Ontario with complex and responsive or aggressive behaviours that may be a result of dementia, mental health, substance use, and/or other neurological disorders as well as offering enhanced support and coaching for their caregivers.

Offers behavioural assessment & treatment, education, support and links to specialty care for:

  • An older adult presenting with one or more of the above related criteria who is presenting with responsive behaviour(s);
  • An adult with an age-related diagnosis who is presenting with responsive behaviours;
  • An individual whose behaviour(s) is not effectively supported in their current care environment;
  • Caregiver(s) of an older adult with responsive behaviours.
  • A referral may be made on behalf of the older adult or caregiver by anybody; including the older adult, caregiver/Substitute Decision Maker, healthcare professionals, primary care and specialty care partners.
  • This program is not age specific, will accept those under 55 with an age-related disorder.


  • Intergrated Response Teams
  • Clinical Behaviour Response Specialists: Works directly with older adults presenting with responsive behaviours and are linked with existing Seniors Mental Health Teams
  • Behavioural Support Facilitators: Provides support, education and care strategies to family caregivers of older adults with responsive behaviours and are linked with Alzheimer Society Chapters
  • Psychogeriatric Resource Consultants: Provides education, indirect clinical consultation, network building and support for professionals working with older adults with responsive behaviours
  • Long-term Care BSO Nurses and Personal Support Workers: Provides coaching/mentoring, behavioural assessment and individualized holistic care approaches and are based in various long-term care homes throughout the North East

How to Apply:

  • Health service providers may enroll in the electronic database by filling and forwarding the Request Form (see below), or by calling their toll free number. This is to setup an account on the electronic intake website.
  • Anyone, inlcuding family, caregivers or health service providers may refer a patient using the electronic intake form.