- Acute care services to North Bay and its surrounding communities,
- District referral centre providing specialist services for smaller communities in the area,
- Specialized mental health service provider serving all of northeast Ontario
Acute Inpatient Psychiatry Unit AIPU (For Adults 18+)
The Acute Inpatient Psychiatry Unit (AIPU) unit provides high-intensity, acute psychiatric services 24 hours a day for individuals in acute psychiatric distress and who are 18 years of age and older experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms and/or at risk of harm to self or others.
Does not accept patients who are: acutely medically ill; acutely intoxicated; or who have a diagnosis of dementia and/or delirium.
Contact by dialing NBRHC main switchboard and asking for the on-call psychiatrist.
The referral must be Physician to Psychiatrist contact and all patients must be medically cleared prior to acceptance and transfer to NBRHC. Patients can be admitted to the AIPU through the on-call psychiatrist (705) 474-8600 ext.7200. The admitting doctor notifies Bed Allocation which informs unit lead of admission. Consultations are available anytime during the assessment, treatment and management of patients at the Temiskaming Hospital
**If there isn't a bed available, it is the responsibility of NBRHC to contact other hospitals for bed allocation.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit:
Both crisis and planned services for children and adolescents under the age of 18 with serious mental health problems. Crisis services are usually acessed through hospital emergency services. Referrals for planned non-crisis assessment and treatment require scheduling a preadmission session which engages the child/adolescent and family as well as referral sources in informed discussion.
Contact --
Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery Program:
The Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery Program provides assessment, treatment and rehabilitation to individuals with a serious mental illness. Prior to accessing our services, individuals will have exhausted all appropriate district level supports and services.
Contact --
Mental Health Clinic:
Nipissing Detoxification and Substance Abuse Programs:
Wordplay Early Intervention:
- Preschool Speech and Language Services Sudbury Manitoulin
- Northeast Ontario Infant Hearing Program
- Northeast Ontario Blind Low Vision Early Intervention Program
Apply by contacting Wordplay in Sudbury.
Developmental Disabilities Service DDS (For Dual Diagnosis):
- See Referenced Ressources.
Regional Specialized Mental Health Lodges:
- Dual Diagnosis Inpatient Unit (Birch Maple Lodge)
- In-Patient Senior Mental Health Unit (Evergreen Lodge)
- Regional Dementia Care Program (Oak Lodge)
- Specialized Adult Rehabilitation and Transitional Service
- Intensive Rehabilitation (Northern Lights Lodge)
- Intervention & Self Care (Osprey Lodge)
Contact Central Referral For In-Patient Lodges
Assertive Community Treatment Teams ACT :
For persons with serious mental illnesses. ACTT services are individually tailored with each client and address the preferences and identified goals of each client.
- suffering from schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or bipolar illness
- 18 years of age and over
- who have had multiple hospitalizations and complex needs due to long-term and persistent symptoms.
Contact --
Crisis Services:
The Nipissing and area crisis line is available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week to provide mental health assessments, support and referrals.
Referral process not verified for children's mental health unit (Manager Lyne Kennedy),
Psychiatric rehab (705-474-8600 ext. 2538 for manager) or
Assertive community treatment (Team 1 705-494-3031).