This program is a consultation service that is offered in the Timiskaming area. The Seniors' Mental Health team consists of two Geriatric Psychiatrists and nurse clinicians who are committed to meet the needs of the elderly. Following an in-depth assessment, a consultation report with recommendations as well as a follow-up plan is forwarded to your family physician. Your care will continue to be coordinated by your family physician in order to maintain a high quality of life in the least restrictive environment.
The referrals to the program MUST be made through your family physician or your nurse practitioner. This is not an emergency service.
Client Criteria:
-Seniors (65yrs or older) with complex mental health needs, or younger than 65 who have a confirmed diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or frontotemporal dementia.
-Mental Health Problems: complicated by age-related medical illness/functional needs.
-Must be medically stable; not in medical crisis
-Must reside in the community: living at home, supportive housing, or in a facility based environment such as long-term or chronic care.