Categories: Addiction
Is the individual having trouble with drugs, alcohol, or gambling?
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Addiction Information Guide  
An information guide for people with addiction and their family.
Harm Reduction Supplies 
Provides sterile safer injection and safer inhalation supplies. Also offer safe disposal of used equipment and additional education resources for safer use.
Mental Health and Addiction Service Pamphlet Temiskaming Shores 
Mental Health and Addiction Service Pamphlet for Temiskaming Shores and Virtually
Tobacco Cessation: Mood Management 
Tobacco Cessation: Mood Management
Tobacco Cessation: Tobacco Use & Sleep 
Tobacco Cessation: Tobacco Use & Sleep

Assessments Assessment ToolsDocs & Consent Forms Documents & Consent Forms
Handouts HandoutsLinks Links
Guides Manuals & GuidesP&P Policies & Procedures
Referral Referral / Application Forms